[consulting] Drupal Certification and Requirements

Chris Johnson cxjohnson at gmail.com
Thu Dec 20 14:23:26 UTC 2007

And now my curmudgeonly view:

Most of the time, certification in software development technologies
is a negative when it appears on resumes, etc.  As a hiring manager,
I've always wondered exactly why the person spent the time and money
to get the certificate, and if that time and effort might not have
been better spent practicing the skills or otherwise gaining practical
experience.  This is especially true for younger or less experienced

The vast majority of software certification programs seem to exist
mostly as a way to make money for the certifier, despite how expensive
they may be to develop.

I happen to be familiar with the technologies and methodologies used
by some of the biggest professional certification and testing
organizations.  I learned a lot of the testing is fairly bogus from a
real "do you know the subject" point of view.  Just as with any kind
of testing for knowledge, the certification tests also suffer from the
common problems of tests in that regard.  Students who are good at
rote memorization and good at test taking excel at -- well, taking
tests.  Same with certification for the most part.  In hiring someone,
I want someone who will be good at the job, not good at taking tests
or good at collecting certificates.

None of the best software developers I know have any certifications,
as far as I know.  A lot of them are college drop-outs, or in a few
cases, never even went to college and are completely self taught!

Gaining wisdom and good judgment in software development are not
easily acquired traits.  They are likewise not easy to judge when
hiring someone, and they are even more difficult to test or certify.

I might have some certificates, for something.  In a box in a closet
somewhere.  I don't recall; I've never needed them.  :-)

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