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Boris Mann boris at bryght.com
Sun Jan 7 22:09:34 UTC 2007

On 1/6/07, Bèr Kessels <ber at webschuur.com> wrote:

> Drupal is the truck. Wordpress (or texpattern etc) the car. The car is
> Simpler. You can drive a car. A Truck needs more investment.
> Don't ever buy a truck just to do you shopping, a shoppingcart, a bycicle, or
> a car was designed for that, so use it, don't use a truck because you think
> you may need more shopping done in future. That is my point.

So, I think the people that have chosen Drupal as their platform
believe that we have an assembly line. With install profiles, we can
choose to make anything from cars to trucks, and will continue to do
so. You disagree. That's fine.

This particular list is about consulting issues related to the Drupal
CMS. If you would like to discuss using different tools (e.g. our
discussions about Project Management to run a consulting business),
that's fine.

A long thread on "don't use Drupal, use X" is off-topic. As I stated
before, this thread is now closed. Feel free to continue the
discussion off list, or start a new thread if it is on topic. If you
would like to start a meta-thread on whether or not such discussion is
on-topic -- again, new subject thread, please.


Boris Mann
Vancouver 778-896-2747
San Francisco 415-367-3595
Skype borismann

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