[consulting] Node Access, jQuery + screencasts

Boris Mann boris at bryght.com
Mon Jan 15 02:42:53 UTC 2007

On 1/14/07, Bill Fitzgerald <bill at funnymonkey.com> wrote:
> Yeah, this is very cool -- this is the exact type of functionality I was
> referring to here for DrupalEd -- http://groups.drupal.org/node/1912 --
> this screencast is amazing.
> RE the groups, I have a similar question as Neil: are they created via
> Buddlylist, OG, or some other way? I can't wait to see how this
> functionality interacts with OG --

It doesn't. OG is the only solution we have right now, and it does
lots of things very well, but it is focused on a fairly narrow
definition of groups and how to add / include subscribers.

> This is pretty amazing -- I also like the UI -- you have a lot of
> functionality packed into a pretty clean space.
> Thanks for passing this on, and I can't wait to see this on drupal.org

I'm not sure what's up on drupal.org yet. I've cc'd Mixel.

> > Yes very cool, just what I've been looking for. It looks like you can
> > achieve the same group-centric access control as OG, amongst others and so
> > not be limited to it. Do you know if that's what it means when it says set
> > access control to 'groups', ie OGs?

No, these aren't OG at all...these are arbitrary groups, and it also
handles per-user access.

Note: lots of this stuff has been a sprint to just get working. It's
interesting to see what CAN be done in Drupal....but "doing it right"
means getting it on Drupal.org and working with lots of other modules
in a....modular way.

Follow up with Mixel directly if you have more questions to poke him
with. I certainly hope that lots of it can be integrated, but I can
understand how it is some times difficult to think very generically,
especially when there are competing modules.

BTW....I've had some recent experience with tac_lite, and it's
interesting for role / category based permissions.


Boris Mann
Vancouver 778-896-2747
San Francisco 415-367-3595
Skype borismann

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