[consulting] Consulting directory

Jakob Persson jakob at jakob-persson.com
Wed Mar 21 00:59:38 UTC 2007

Mehboob Alam wrote:
> I wouldnt discount off-shore developers right away, but I understand
> where the statement is coming from.
Nor should you but be aware of the disadvantages and risks when working 
with off-shore developers. Many of my clients have had very bad 
experiences with off-shore contractors and that seems to the exception 
rather than the rule.

> eLance's feedback system is easy to evaluate, and certain vendors
> seems to bubble to the top.
Yeah but look at the fees they charge from freelancers to bid. 
Freelancers are their pool of creative asset, their only asset and see 
how they treat them. Makes me upset looking at their business model. 
Also, elance's system is known to be flawed, companies sometimes do work 
for free just to get a good review or they buy it. Their system is 
inviting corruption and gaming, it's not very useful when it comes to 
finding good talented professionals.


Drupal Designer and Developer

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