[consulting] Consulting directory

Steve Purkiss steve at open4.org
Wed Mar 21 16:20:08 UTC 2007

On 3/21/07, John Sechrest <sechrest at jas.peak.org> wrote:
> Actually, having a site review of a company, where someone goes and
> explores the company can do even better that client reviews.
> The question is whether people want to pay for that review service in any way.
You say that, but you always see testimonials in adverts for make-up,
hair products, etc. from people who use them, not the companies who
make the product.

The trouble with paid reviews is, well, someone's paying, and
someone's getting paid.

As you can see on my bio (http://open4.org/bio/steve-purkiss), I help
people a lot with open source software, and as I've helped them
directly anyone can connect with them and ask them further info if
they want. Someone who's getting paid to review me and my work is not
only asking me to pay, but also is not asking me to provide any value
to them like my clients do.

Perhaps complimentary reviews would work, but I find it ends up with
friends of friends and those who can afford it get to the top.
Decentralized client + peer reviews (e.g. for contributed modules)
would provide a much more open system.

ATEOTD, businesses paying for consulting + dev want to know that the
suppliers produce results, and what those results are.

Steve Purkiss

http://www.open4.org/bio/steve-purkiss - view my online profile
http://www.open4.org/site_tour/quick_tour - discover the network that
pays you to participate

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