[consulting] Drupal.org advertising proposals requested

Boris Mann boris at bryght.com
Sun May 27 04:26:38 UTC 2007

On 5/26/07, Khalid Baheyeldin <kb at 2bits.com> wrote:
> I think one way to start this is to offer Google Adsense on Drupal.org.
> Google text ads are not intrusive and clearly marked as ads.
> Companies interested in advertising can click "advertise on this site"
> and Google automatically handles the back end for the Association.

With all due respect...

...fsck having Google ads on Drupal.org. We have a hell of a lot less
control over who advertises, never mind actually making less money
than a "direct" advertising model.

As Kieran said, it's info gathering time. Feel free to take that
comment and include it.

I'm probably against advertising on d.o. directly, although Kieran's
points about what kind / where is fairly non-intrusive and might
almost sway me :P

Boris Mann
Office 604-682-2889
Skype borismann

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