[consulting] seeking OG "best practices" experts

Derek Laventure spiderman at tranzform.ca
Mon Mar 23 15:19:03 UTC 2009

Good morning,

On the basis of a series of discussions and experimenting with OG last
week, I'm about to build my organization a quick'n'dirty OG-based site to
hours "discussion boards" related to a variety of sub-communities of the

In particular, we are trying to identify "business rules" or "best
practices" for how to make best use of OG to enable semi-autonomous
"groups" to manage their own space while maintaining the general identity
of the organization. We are a professional association with various
regional-, project- and affinity-based "interest groups" composed of
different subsections of our membership/stakeholders. We are trying to
find folks with coherent answers to questions like:

* When we give a project manager or Interest Group chair one of these
organic groups, what do we tell them their responsibilities are?
* How can we ensure that the groups are well-maintained, and represent
the quality/professional image of the organization as a whole?
* What kind of training/documentation should we provide to
staff/moderator users?
* How many discussion forums/groups is too many? When is it appropriate
to split a single forum into multiple, or to merge smaller ones into

Having very little experience with this, we're hoping to draw on the
experience of other Drupalites who may have done this sort of thing
before. This is valuable information for us, so if anyone's interested in
a small contract to produce something based on experience/lessons learned,
please let me know ASAP :)


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