[consulting] Staying Current

Sam Cohen sam at samcohen.com
Sun Mar 29 14:29:17 UTC 2009

On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 10:16 AM, Alex Urevick-Ackelsberg
<Alex at zivtech.com>wrote:

> > .. and for those who have used Drupal as more of a framework with
> advanced CMS components ready built.
> >
> > The work I've done is firmly is the second set.
> And how much of that code have you released into the wild? It strikes
> me that your problem may be, well, your problem. It's not up to me to
> release your code and I can't force you to actually take an active
> part in the community.
> Start generalizing/releasing your code, and maybe you won't have as many
> issues.
> --

The flip side of this is that nonprofits who should be spending money
feeding the hungry or whatever they do -- are forced to pay a lot more money
so that every customization they want can be done is such a way that it is
contributed back.

I can see why you would want to do it that way, but I don't think you should
judge others who choose not to.

For example, a client came to me and wanted view data in a way that wasn't
right for Views.  I just added it to my custom module and it did exactly
what that client wanted. And it was done the Drupal way.   It took me a
couple of hours.   I guess I could have built a new Views module -- that no
one else would have ever used -- and charged 10 times as much.

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