[consulting] Unionizing Drupal

Sami Khan sami at etopian.net
Sun Aug 8 05:58:03 UTC 2010

I also wanted to point to this: 

Mondragon Corporation

The MONDRAGON Corporation is a federation of worker cooperatives based in
the Basque region of Spain. Founded in the town of Mondragón in 1956, its
origin is linked to the activity of a modest technical college and a small
workshop producing paraffin heaters. Currently it is the seventh largest
Spanish company in terms of turnover and the leading business group in the
Basque Country. At the end of 2009 it was providing employment for 85.066
people working in 256 companies in four areas of activity: Finance,
Industry, Retail and Knowledge. The MONDRAGON Co-operatives operate in
accordance with a business model based on People and the Sovereignty of
Labour, which has made it possible to develop highly participative
companies rooted in solidarity, with a strong social dimension but without
neglecting business excellence. The Co-operatives are owned by their
worker-members and power is based on the principle of one person, one vote.

Its existence proves that capitalism is not the only way to form a
functional corporation that is lucrative... despite what most Americans
might believe.


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