Hello all:<br><br>We're looking to put together a Drupal "one pager" for Dot Org Day at O'Reilly's EuroOSCON.<br clear="all"><br>There is an existing "Drupal Marketing" group on g.d.o (<a href="http://groups.drupal.org/drupal-marketing">
http://groups.drupal.org/drupal-marketing</a>) that I encourage anyone interested in colloboratively producing / maintaining Drupal-related marketing materials.<br><br>Dries has a post up there (<a href="http://groups.drupal.org/node/1339">
http://groups.drupal.org/node/1339</a>) where I've put some comments, including a link to our dev wiki (<a href="https://svn.bryght.com/dev/wiki/Drupal/Marketing">https://svn.bryght.com/dev/wiki/Drupal/Marketing</a>) that anyone is free to use to capture resources or write up notes.
<br><br>Cheers,<br><br>-- Boris<br>