Hi all,<br><br>At this risk of annoying the folks who don't think there shouldn't be any support questions here: (sorry)<br><br>I have a client's site on a shared server. The php memory limit is showing 256mb, but on loading the module page I'm getting<br>
<br><div style="margin-left: 40px;"><i>Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 4,168,0896) (tried to allocate
65,8345 bytes) </i><br></div><i><br></i>I don't get this error all the time, just some of the time. <br><br>The solution to this in the past has been to raise the php memory, but it's already showing at 256mb. It's also just a staging site, so there are only a couple of users right now. <br>
<br>Any ideas?<br><br>Thanks,<br>Sam<br>