Hey folks,<br><br>On one of my sites there is an editor who loves putting in parenthetical phrases in his sentences using what should be an mdash. But instead he uses a single, double or even a triple hyphen, sometimes surrounded by spaces, sometimes not. I want to train him to use a double hyphen that I want to replace with an mdash (&mdash;) via an input filter.<br>
<br>Does something like that exist?<br><br>FYI to clean up old content I'm going to use the <a href="http://drupal.org/project/scanner">scanner module</a> which looks great. If I find or write an input filter for the mdash, it's likely that when I clean up the old content, I'll just make the double hyphen presentation consistent and not actually put the character entity code in the database.<br>
<br>Shai<br><a href="http://content2zero.com">Content2zero</a><br>