[development] image node type

Ber Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Sun Dec 11 20:35:05 UTC 2005

Op zaterdag 10 december 2005 22:01, schreef Matt Westgate:
> - Users like to have their own workspace. They want a way to browse  
> their media and insert/link files into their posts while they're  
> creating the post. Img_assist does this through wrapping the node/add/
> image form in the separate media browser window. After the image is  
> uploaded it's visible in the browsing panel for them to select.

For betteruplod my inteded solution to this is: 
Not put upload or file management forms in a node/add form; this is clutter.
But to add a button to "browse away and do stuff" (like upload a new image, 
select a file from a DB or search for a taxo term). That button would then 
save the current form entries in the session, and refill the form once a 
person gets back ot the node/add (or node/edit; off course)

We could even thing of adding a JS layer on top, afterwards, that saves stuf 
to the session every x mins (for crashing or accidentaly browsing a way). But 
IMO that needs to be *on top* of a perfectly worjking HTML solution, never 
the other way around :)

I have a feeling that FAPI has made this easier, but havent really 
investigated its technical details. Yet.

 PGP ber at webschuur.com
 PGP berkessels at gmx.net

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