[development] Rename hook_menu ?

Darrel O'Pry dopry at thing.net
Tue Dec 12 19:02:52 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-12-12 at 11:57 +0100, Karoly Negyesi wrote:
> Today it was raised in #drupal that hook_menu has so little to do with  
> menus nowadays that
> hook_control
> is likely to be a better name for the system. Thoughts are welcome. MVC  
> flames are not.
> Regards
> NK

I'm pretty comfortable with menu as it stands. Unless we actually
decouple it from the menu system completely, I think the name is
appropriate. The fact that out menu items are built out of our
URL<->callback registry is kind of nice. I think how some of the types
are handled is a little confusing. I don't think we should have any
locked menu items. Its convenient that we don't have to define these in
two places or merge the callback/router/whatchamacallit data into the
available menu item data.

plus we already know what drupalites call their whatchamacallit.

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