[development] Drupal 4.7.0 beta 4 released

Jeremy Epstein jazepstein at gmail.com
Fri Jan 27 14:38:12 UTC 2006

I once worked at a place where my fellow employees were convinced that
drinking beer improves your ability to code (and to do any other kinds
of work). During my time there, they managed to convince me that
coding whilst drinking beer is indeed an... interesting...
experience... ;-))

Why don't we Drupallers give it a try at the next bug-squashing party?


PS: Suggested new slogan for Drupal devs: "More Beer, Less Bugs".

On 1/27/06, Neil Drumm <drumm at delocalizedham.com> wrote:
> Benson Wong wrote:
> > Should we have a Drupal bug squashing party in Vancouver for DrupalCon?
> > http://drupal.org/conference-vancouver-2006
> >
> > It's either that or go drink beer. :)
> Or have a beer for each bug you close.
> --
> Neil Drumm
> http://delocalizedham.com/

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