[development] Front page module - The way it should be.[tm]

Trae McCombs occy at occy.net
Tue Jan 31 14:14:04 UTC 2006

No worries to me what you call the module.  As long as the functionality 
is there.


Bèr Kessels wrote:
> Actually, I do not want to spoil your day, but dashboard module is the future. 
> Let frontpage module die. It has served its time, we now have something FAR 
> better. :)
> Br
> Op dinsdag 31 januari 2006 02:45, schreef Trae McCombs:
>>Sorry, I'm a bad boy... I created an issue.
>>Earl Miles wrote:
>>>Trae McCombs wrote:
>>>>Hey peeps,
>>>>Since Gerhard was thinking the module isn't maintained, I thought I'd
>>>>stick a comment here on the list.
>>>>Currently, when you install the front page module, you have to go and
>>>>admin > settings > "node" to "front_page" if you want your stuff to
>>>>show up.
>>>>To us "dorky end users", this is quite confusing.  I would suggest
>>>>that there is something inside the: admin > settings > front_page area
>>>>that says:
>>>>[x] Enable this option site wide.
>>>>Help text: *** Warning, if you enable this, when people visit:
>>>>your_drupal_site.com they will see what you have put here on this
>>>>front page form.  To change this action back, simply disable this
>>>>--- This would then actually go set node to be front_page --
>>>>What do you guys(gals) think?
>>>Easy to do, the option is just set via variable. You can even be smart
>>>on the form and look at the variable, and put up text saying "front_page
>>>isn't currently set as your default front page" like web browsers do,
>>>and not show the checkbox at all (or even a nice happy "front_page is
>>>set as your front page!") message.

    Trae McCombs || http://occy.net/
   Founder - Themes.org // Linux.com
CivicSpaceLabs - http://civicspacelabs.org/

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