[development] RFC: letting modules phone home to check for new releases

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Sun Nov 19 15:39:29 UTC 2006

Op zaterdag 18 november 2006 18:41, schreef Karoly Negyesi:
> In overall this solution is not enough because you many modules but by far
> not all from contribs, so neither a per module feed or an eat-it-all feed
> won't suffice. So definitely we need more code in project.

I never said it would be enough. All I  said is that, instead of talking for 
ages here about that utopian solution, then get into developing some whole 
new release-pushing-xmlrpc-system, we can offer a default RSS feed with block 

As in: now. Not something in some future after some unknown development cycle.  


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