[development] releases, recommended/supported changing automatically on release creation...

Derek Wright drupal at dwwright.net
Thu Mar 13 15:11:21 UTC 2008

On Mar 13, 2008, at 7:18 AM, Darrel O'Pry wrote:

> Maybe a special mailing list for notifying maintainers of issues  
> that impact them.

I agree.  I think everyone with a CVS account on d.o should be on a  
mandatory (moderated) mailing list.  While you can't be expected to  
follow every thread on devel, I can't be expected to track down  
everyone myself anytime I'm going to change something that impacts  
d.o contrib maintainers, and the front page of d.o isn't a good place  
for this, since these threads only impact a tiny minority of d.o users.

> then we have a bug, cuz my releases with -extra are appearing on my  
> project page as supported and recommended.

Right, as I already said:



p.s. While we're on the topic, there are two other known bugs related  
to all of this, in case anyone wants to help.  Both have patches, the  
first needs review, the other needs work:


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