[development] Userscript for inserting issue links for use incomments

Daniel F. Kudwien news at unleashedmind.com
Fri Sep 12 02:25:55 UTC 2008

> I've created a greasemonkey script which does a few things 
> which might be useful to those of us who spend a lot of time 
> in issue queues:
> Enjoy!
> --Andrew

Funny - I finished a first version of a CSS override for drupal.org just in
time you posted.  Like your greasemonkey script, I thought about enhancing
drupal.org's styles for the very same audience.

This style override implements Drupal Administration Menu's menu hovering
behavior to place all menu blocks from the right sidebar into
fixed-positioned dropdown menus at the top of the viewport.


So, maybe we should start a project at d.o to have a central place for
further improvements?  If you are interested, let's discuss off-list.


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