[development] remove or give priority to hook_node_grants

Lluís enboig at gmail.com
Wed Apr 1 09:08:30 UTC 2009

I have tested it (never played with drupal_alter before) and what I
would need is a patch at node.module:

function node_access_grants($op, $account = NULL) {

  if (!isset($account)) {
    $account = $GLOBALS['user'];

-  return array_merge(array('all' => array(0)),
module_invoke_all('node_grants', $account, $op));
+  $grants = array_merge(array('all' => array(0)),
module_invoke_all('node_grants', $account, $op));
+  drupal_alter("node_grants",$grants);
  return $grants;

but it would also deny my access to the group node so I will have to
look for another way to solve my problem.

On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 1:22 AM, Lluís <enboig at gmail.com> wrote:
> I will check if the patch is useful to me. If it is, will it manage to drupal6?
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 10:20 PM, Ken Rickard <agentrickard at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Larry means "Please work on this existing patch";
>>  http://drupal.org/node/309007
>>  -- Ken
>> On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 3:09 PM, Larry Garfield <larry at garfieldtech.com> wrote:
>>> Note that if you make a patch for Drupal 7 to add an alter there, it gets
>>> committed, and then you make a backport of it, God will only maim a kitten in
>>> response rather than killing one.
>>> Translation: Patch please, Lluis!  That would be a great addition to Drupal 7.
>>> On Tuesday 31 March 2009 11:46:31 am Moshe Weitzman wrote:
>>>> Just add a drupal_alter() right after all the grants have been
>>>> provided. yes, this requires a 1 line hack to core.
>>>> On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 11:59 AM, Lluís <enboig at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> > I think this would be great; but it wouldn't solve my problem neither.
>>>> > How can I "remove" a realm from $grants[$realm]
>>>> >
>>>> > I tried to "overwrite" it, but it uses arrays and merge them, so it is
>>>> > impossible.
>>> --
>>> Larry Garfield
>>> larry at garfieldtech.com
>> --
>> Ken Rickard
>> agentrickard at gmail.com
>> http://ken.therickards.com
> --
> *La vida és com una taronja, que esperes a exprimir-la?
> *Si creus que l'educació és cara, prova la ignorància.
> *La vida és com una moneda, la pots gastar en el que vulguis però
> només una vegada.
> *Abans d'imprimir aquest missatge, pensa en el medi ambient.

*La vida és com una taronja, que esperes a exprimir-la?
*Si creus que l'educació és cara, prova la ignorància.
*La vida és com una moneda, la pots gastar en el que vulguis però
només una vegada.
*Abans d'imprimir aquest missatge, pensa en el medi ambient.

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