[development] Menu Tree Access Control?

Kyle Mathews mathews.kyle at gmail.com
Fri Apr 3 16:56:34 UTC 2009

You might also want to look at Monsters Menu which does some sophisticated


Research Assistant
eBusiness Center @ BYU

On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 10:51 AM, Andrew Berry <andrewberry at sentex.net>wrote:

> I've created a g.d.o page to document this.
> http://groups.drupal.org/node/20913
> Larry, it'd be great if you could add your module when you release it,
> especially any rationale as to why you didn't look at expanding the other
> modules out there.
> --Andrew
> On 3-Apr-09, at 10:46 AM, Bill Fitzgerald wrote:
>  We (FunnyMonkey) released the book manager, which gives individuals the
>> right to create book that only they can add pages to.
>> The nodes within those inividual books can then be governed by any of the
>> usual suspects wrt access control.
>> So, a menu admin could create the outline, with people being granted
>> access to edit/view nodes as needed.
>> What's missing, of course, is access rights that cascade down the
>> hierarchy.
>> But the Book Manager is here: http://drupal.org/project/book_manager
>> Cheers,
>> Bill
>> Larry Garfield wrote:
>>> Do you need view access control or edit access control?  We (Palantir)
>>> actually just developed an edit access control module based on menu position
>>> for a client.  We plan to release it as soon as the site launches, which
>>> hopefully shouldn't be too long.  What's your time frame?
>>> On Thursday 02 April 2009 6:33:02 pm Josh Koenig wrote:
>>>  Hey all,
>>>> I'm about to launch into yet another custom module build, and I wanted
>>>> to see if I'm missing the obvious and this thing already exists (or
>>>> has been somewhat built).
>>>> The use case is to allow access to nodes (node_access) based on their
>>>> placement within a drupal menu tree. Seems obvious, but keyword
>>>> searching through available modules didn't turn up anything that
>>>> seemed to match. I did locate the "Menu Subtree" module which seems to
>>>> provide some complimentary functionality in terms of restricting the
>>>> areas of a menu tree into which new nodes can be placed:
>>>> http://drupal.org/project/menu_stp
>>>> For access, it points to fago's menu_per_role module, but this is
>>>> about access to menu links, not node permissions. In the other
>>>> node-access modules, I didn't find one that seeks to allow/deny access
>>>> based on menu position. So that's what I'll begin working on.
>>>> Implementation seems fairly straightforward based on
>>>> hook_node_access_records() and hook_node_grants(). Assuming I'm right,
>>>> the next fun thing would be looking at integrating this with
>>>> menutrails.module so it can work for broader classes of nodes and not
>>>> just those placed directly into the menu tree.
>>>> Please let me know if I'm missing something obvious. :)
>>>> cheers
>>>> -josh
>> --
>> Bill Fitzgerald
>> http://funnymonkey.com
>> FunnyMonkey -- Click. Connect. Learn.
>> ph. 503 897 7160
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