[development] Incremental filter for the permissions page

Henrique Recidive recidive at gmail.com
Tue Feb 17 03:56:41 UTC 2009

2009/2/16 Dmitri Gaskin <dmitrig01 at gmail.com>:
> Hello Development,
> I've been working on a patch that incrementally filters the permission page
> - patch at http://drupal.org/node/229193 and demo at
> http://dmitrizone.com/229193.mov.
> The patch is pretty much ready to be reviewed, except for the fact that
> webchick has an issue with how it degrades.
> Currently, without JavaScript, the textfield for searching simply isn't
> there, and you can't use the incremental filter.
> Webchick would like it to be degradable. The issue with this is that we
> already have a 100-line search algorithm for searching in HTML, and we'd
> need another 150 or so search algorithm to do it server side, which would
> actually be quite different.
> CHX has an argument against needing a degradable version at
> http://drupal.org/node/229193#comment-1260194:
> "I think this is fine with working only if JavaScript is there. Drupal works
> without JavaScript but with reduced functionality already. You can not
> resize a textarea without JS for example. Autocomplete does not work. This
> piece is similar."

In this case, degradable means that the form is not useless without
JavaScript, and it surely is not.

What I would like to see there is a reusable component, which other
core and contrib modules could use.

It would basically allow you to set jQuery selectors for "what to
search" and "what to hide".


> What do you guys think?
> Dmitri

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