[development] Drupal Menu Hiding

Nitesh Bhatia niteshbhatia008 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 9 20:32:13 UTC 2011

I am new to drupal7 and unaccustomed to the User Interface elements so I am
finding it a bit difficult to search about the problem I am facing.

I've created a new custom content type by going to Structure>Content Types.
Its basically a form along with image upload fields. Whatever user inputs I
wanted it to automatically appear in the form of menu item. I installed
auto_menutitle module in order to automatically copy content title as link
title. Now in the bottom of this form a rectangular division comes with
"Menu settings" written i left and some settings division in right (
I want to hide this division from user without removing the access
permissions. In order to hide if I am removing the access permissions of
user then this menu is not appearing but its also disabling automatic menu
item entry.

I would like to know if its possible to simply hide this part on user side?

Thanks and Regards

Nitesh Bhatia

"Life is never perfect. It just depends where you draw the line."

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