I was going to sleep myself, but could not let this go by ...<br><br>Because of:<br>[x] Too much personal attacks and cheapshots<br>[x] Focus too much on individuals and not what we <br> collectively as a community can achieve
<br><br>The community and Drupal has took a step back ...<br><br>As a result,<br>[x] The community as a whole suffers<br>[x] The reputation of the community as arrogant and hard to deal with, in enforced<br>[x] We discourage newcomers from becoming active participants
<br><br>So,<br>[x] If you are joking, make it a bit more explicit so others would get it<br><br>Otherwise<br>[x] Shut the BLEEP up if you don't have something constructive to say.<br>[x] Think of more constructive ways to participate
<br><br>Or,<br>[x] Be a bit more thick skinned, and let this pass, and continue participating<br><br>End of transmission ...<br>