All-<br><br>As a novice developer, I have an opinion question.<br><br>How rapidly should bugfixes be released using the Drupal module release system.<br><br>To be specific, whenever I do a point release, I get new bugs because people upgrade or I get new users. New bugs appear becuase I'm a novice, and I'd prefer not to debate that here.
<br><br>The question is, how quickly should I roll a point release to address those bugs? <br><br>I've already rolled two point releases this week, and have a third pending. So which is the "better" option:
<br><br> - Quickly release bugfix #3?<br> - Post a patch for existing (known) bugs and note that a new release is forthcoming after XX days of bug checking?<br><br>(I realize, of course, that the best option is "catch all the bugs before releasing the module," but it's already too late for that.)
<br><br>A follow-up question:<br><br>Should the consensus answer be added to <a href=""></a><br><br>All non-flames appreciated. Offlist is ok.
<br><br>- Ken Rickard<br>agentrickard<br>