Option A. Go for it, I say.<br><br>Maybe we need to form a database team? In addition to PDO support, there's the referential integrity and transactions which David described. Additionally, just general database optimization and configuration recommendations could be described. Killes did a lot of work on making
<a href="http://drupal.org">drupal.org</a> work better.<br><br>While there's room in the PHP code for performance improvements, probably some of the biggest and easiest to obtain are in the database.<br><br>It'd be nice to have a couple of database layers to choose from, so as to support the widest variety of installations. That is, for example, a layer which supports PHP 4 and MyISAM, for small sites on cheap hosts, to a layer which supports PDO and transactional engines only (no MyISAM) for high-performance sites on high-end hardware.