Hi folks,<br><br>OK, after months of pontificating upon various philosophical subjects here, I have decided to roll up my sleeves and actually get my hands dirty maintaining a module which I hope will be of much service to the community.
<br><br>With the kind permission of Steve McKenzie (the progenitor), I have created the salesforce module project (with the initial commit based on his sandbox version), with the objective of providing and maintaining Drupal integration with the
<a href="http://wiki.apexdevnet.com/index.php/API" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Salesforce API</a>.<br><br>As per Steve's excellent suggestion, I have labeled the module unusable until I can guarantee, through thorough testing, that it is ready for the slew of feature requests and bug reports that are sure to emerge, both in
4.7.x and 5.x branches. There are no releases as of yet.<br><br>An initial version will be released in approximately ten days.<br><br>Fortunately, since we are working on the revamping of the HelpArgentina.org site (where Ingo Boltz pointed me to Steve's work on the module in the first place) and integration with the
<a href="http://wiki.apexdevnet.com/index.php/API" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Salesforce API</a> is a requirement, we are assured of a prompt initial release with the current set of features, with more in the works, as well as an automatic upgrade path on through Drupal
6.x<br><br>I would like to thank Steve for his hard work in creating the module, and underline my commitment to provide functionality through the GPL license and modules available to the Drupal community, as a method of assuring not only just credit, but also the central quality of the software.
<br><br>Any suggestions of whatever kind are more than welcome.<br><br>Victor Kane<br><a href="http://awebfactory.com.ar">http://awebfactory.com.ar</a><br><br>