Hi All.<br><br>This particular site I'm building features a layout with a photo in the upper right corner. The client wants to have the ability to specify the image on every single page. I know I know, kind of whacked, but it's what they want.
<br><br>So, first step was to use cck to add a new field to the "page" type. I tried imagefield but didn't like how you couldn't select an existing image. I managed to whip together a new cck field which uses IMCE to select the image (I'll up it to cvs after some more testing and some coworkers give me the thumbs up on its quality).
<br><br>Okay, so that takes care of any pages displaying a single node.<br><br>How do I handle views? There are a few views and they obviously need to have the image customizable. It'd be nice if when creating a "view" to provide a page, it inherited the cck fields from the "page" type.
<br><br>Could I use form_alter to add the cck field to the views form?<br><br>Or is there some way when the "view" is being built I can extract the image from the first node and pass it to page.tpl.php?<br><br>Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.