With any luck the Drupal codebase itself will never see a "fork". On the other hand the pressure of a *widely* divergent Drupal user-base is, more or less, demanding a fork of Drupal's communications/marketing.
<br><br>To illustrate the problem most Drupal-marketing solutions face:<br><br> * What does an enterprise developer care about a blogger?<br> * What does a blogger care about an enterprise developer?<br> * What does an C-level decision maker care about either one of them?
<br><br>Sure those groups will have some small cross-interests, but there is an obvious and significant gap between what each audience will be interested/concerned about regarding Drupal. As a degreed marketer with some sales experience (feel like a weenie for dropping that, but feel compelled to in order to "established credentials"), I feel confident in saying: Drupal will have limited/lesser success in trying to communicate with all of its core audiences at the same time, vs. communicating with each one more intimately.
<br><br>I guess all of the above would be a long winded way of proposing: separate_channels_of_communication_for_varying_user_bases. :p<br><br>(The preceding was not precipitated by any one particular Drupal
thread/posts, but is rather interrelated with many Drupal
thread/posts...cross-posted to <a href="http://groups.drupal.org/node/6943">http://groups.drupal.org/node/6943</a> )<br>