I support chx's proposal, don't let PostgreSQL hinder the development cycle.<br><br>But, every time we have this discussion, we get people talking theories but no concrete data. <br><br>We here about Drupal must be database agnostic, down with monoculture, ...etc. Which is all good.
<br><br>What we are missing is how many real world websites use Drupal AND PostgreSQL, how big these sites are, how many contributed modules are being used, ...etc.<br><br>I propose a poll with the following options on it:
<br><br>- MySQL MyISAM<br>- MySQL InnoDB<br>- PostgreSQL<br>- other<br><br>With comments enabled so we get at least some sampling of what is out there.<br><br>Some data is better than no data, so let us get it.<br>