Jakob Petsovis wrote:<br>>Even though Drupal is server software, a server is something that can be<br>>bought for a few euros (or $YOUR_CURRENCY) at your favorite shared host, and<br>
>server software is deployed as easily as to copy some files over FTP. The<br>
>easier it is to get it running, the more amateur users you'll get.<br><br>Well count me as someone who did their first CMS install via Fantastico..<br><br>I'd agree that a lot of users aren't going to know what a dev release is (certainly less so than they'd know what an Alpha or Beta or RC release is) - and the situation we're talking about is when the only release available is -dev, with no other context- and maybe no alternative module purporting to do the same thing to compare with.<br>
<br>I think the vast majority of people choose modules based on whether they do something that they need. It's only with a reasonable amount of experience that those specific needs get expanded to include abstract stuff like performant and secure code, upgrade paths etc. and often a part of getting that experience is having your site hosed a couple times.<br>