<div dir="ltr"><span>So I'd like to hear from those of you who do a lot of core patch reviews to find out what is your workflow? <br><br>It was pointed out in the last thread that it's not a matter of it taking a long time to actually review a patch, but to get everything in place in order to review a patch and having a standard environment setup that is conducive to reviewing patches. I'm sure there are many devs out there that have a standard set of steps they go through to test out a d6 patch and something similar for then testing out a d7 patch. I'm sure it would help many people to hear some of these setups in order to replicate these practices on their own machines and get some patch reviewing done. If anything, comparing notes from different developers on how they approach this could lead to some great standard set of practices and therefor, handbook pages ;)<br>
<br>~Jerad<br><a href="http://sirkitree.net">sirkitree.net</a><br><a href="http://drupalmao.com">drupalmao.com</a><br></span></div>