Why does it have to be SQLLite? You are effectively proposing to split the datastore. Why hardcode it to SQLLite? Potentially I would put it in another MySQL database on a different server or a pgsql db somewhere. PDO let's me do that.<br>
<br>In general I am against this idea. Drupal already, mainly because of MyISAM on MYSQL I suppose, falls behind on fundamental good database design ideas; like foreign keys for example. Splitting the data into two stores just does more to reduce the referencial integrity and safe state of our data. Drupal definitely doesn't achieve second normal form. I am not sure whether we could argue it achieves first normal form.<br>
<br>In my opinion this is a non starter in hardcoding to SQLLite and a slow starter even if you let people choose a second data store for certain schemas/tables<br><br>Stew<br><br><br>