Hi:<br><br>How can i install a table in mysql.<br><br>I tried with this script but don't work.<br><br>function tags_schema() {<br>$schema['table'] = array(<br> 'description' => t('The base table for nodes.'),<br>
'fields' => array(<br> 'nid' => array(<br> 'description' => t('The primary identifier for a node.'),<br> 'type' => 'serial',<br> 'unsigned' => TRUE,<br>
'not null' => TRUE),<br> 'vid' => array(<br> 'description' => t('The current {node_revisions}.vid version identifier.'),<br> 'type' => 'int',<br>
'unsigned' => TRUE,<br> 'not null' => TRUE,<br> 'default' => 0),<br> 'type' => array(<br> 'description' => t('The {node_type} of this node.'),<br>
'type' => 'varchar',<br> 'length' => 32,<br> 'not null' => TRUE,<br> 'default' => ''),<br> 'title' => array(<br> 'description' => t('The title of this node, always treated a non-markup plain text.'),<br>
'type' => 'varchar',<br> 'length' => 255,<br> 'not null' => TRUE,<br> 'default' => ''),<br> ),<br> 'indexes' => array(<br>
'node_changed' => array('changed'),<br> 'node_created' => array('created'),<br> ),<br> 'unique keys' => array(<br> 'nid_vid' => array('nid', 'vid'),<br>
'vid' => array('vid')<br> ),<br> 'primary key' => array('nid'),<br> );<br>}<br><br>function tags_install() {<br>// Crea mi tabla<br>drupal_install_schema('tags');<br>
}<br><br>function tags_uninstall() {<br>// Borra mi tabla<br>drupal_uninstall_schema('tags');<br>}<br>?><br>