Hi,<br><br>Spent ages trying to figure out how to do something supposedly as simple as changing the label of an existing exposed form name from my module.<br><br>For filter called 'names', in <br>MYMODULE_views_pre_render() <br>
I set the label this way:<br><br>$view->display['page_1']->display_options['filters']['names']['expose']['label'] = 'NEWNAME';<br><br>When I check it with <br>drupal_set_message(print_r($view));<br>
it is properly set.<br><br>But it does not appear on the page. Caches emptied etc. What am I missing?<br><br>I'd really like to learn how to do this using Views2 API rather than via a theme function.<br><br>I'll be so thankful for any clues..<br>