Hi all,<br><br>I've got a new project with a flexible timeline and I've got approval to develop on Drupal 7, and launch on a beta release, if necessary.<br><br>So, I'm basically being paid to spend as much time as I want fixing bugs in D7. This is pretty exciting for me; something I've wanted for a while. If any one has advice on how to maximize this window of opportunity, let me know.<br>
<br>So I've spent the last 2 days finding and fixing some low hanging fruit. ( <a href="http://drupal.org/project/issues/user/143172?text=&projects=Drupal&status=8&priorities=All&categories=All">http://drupal.org/project/issues/user/143172?text=&projects=Drupal&status=8&priorities=All&categories=All</a> )<br>
<br>I've also been studying the Field API, and I've run into a bug with field_access() that has me stumped.<br><br><a href="http://drupal.org/node/619230">http://drupal.org/node/619230</a><br><br>Can someone with Field API expertise take a look and give me a little more guidance on how to make some progress here? <br>