<font color="#000000"><font face="verdana,sans-serif">Hi drupalers<br><br>I've installed the module CKEditor into my website (not FCKeditor) and it works very well, so now i'm trying to install the filebrowser CKFinder but i getting the following error:<br>
<br></font></font><span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">CKEditor 3.1</span><br style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><br>You are using a feature that requires manual integration into config.php
(either built-in filebrowser or quick uploads are enabled in the </span><a style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);" href="http://www.libreriadesalta.com.ar/admin/settings/ckeditor/edit/Avanzado">Avanzado</a><span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">
profile). Read instructions about enabling built-in file browser and
add "require_once ..." statement in
editor/filemanager/connectors/php/config.php.</span><br><font color="#000000"><font face="verdana,sans-serif"><br>I don't understand because i don't have the path "editor/filemanager/connectors/php/", i have the file config.php in the directory for ckfinder but i don't know how i have to modify it.<br>
<br>somebody knows how to fix this error?<br><br>thanks<br></font></font><br>Gastón Pablo Perez<br>Email: <a href="mailto:gpperez@gmail.com">gpperez@gmail.com</a><br>Web: <a href="http://cv.gpperez.com.ar">http://cv.gpperez.com.ar</a><br>