<br clear="all">Hello drupal developers,<br> <br> i have developed a module for drupal.If you are going to organize an event and want to
allot icards to the users then with the help of this module you can do
this. or any e-commerce site want to generate barcode slip for their
product then they can use it to generate random barcode slip.This module
provide option to upload icard image on which user want to print
barcode.User can use default icard image as background image provided
with this module.This module provide widely used barcode standard. Use
this module and please give the feedback. <br>
If any of you have any idea to make this module better or any
suggestion to add functionality to this module; you are welcome. Its
just a start.There is still some work remaining.<br><br>===========<br>WORK
TO DO<br clear="all">
===========<br>1. Provide print option along with the barcode.<br>2.
store the generated barcode in database so that when code value obtained
by scanning barcode can be matched.<br>3.barcode matching mechanism.<br><br>you
can download barcode module here :<a href="%20http://code.google.com/p/regbar/downloads/list"> http://code.google.com/p/regbar/downloads/list</a><br>
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