Hi All<br>I have very limited knowledge on Drupal.<br>I have installed Drupal 6.x, I have made the front page.<br> <br>Once user logs in, it lands in my login destination panel page (configured usning login destination module).<br>
I want in my login destination page, I should have around 3 tabbed panes.<br> <br>I downloaded quicktabs module, using quicktabs module created a block (having 3 tabs).<br>Added the block to login destination panel page. I am able to see the tabbed panes as expected.<br>
<br>Now please clarify<br>---------------------------------------------<br><strong><u>1. Is this the preferred way to have tabbed panes in Drupal 6.x ?<br></u></strong> <br><em>Here I face a minor problem. I am using CTI-Flex theme (a zen sub-theme), I have configured different colors for header, footer, background etc (I have installed color picker module).<br>
The login destination page (that has tabs), looks bit odd, it does not have the configured colors for header, footer and background. So my front page headr/footer/background color, login destination page headr/footer/background color are entirely different. Any idea what needs to be done.<br>
</em> <br><strong><u>2. What is the preferred way to have tabbed panes in Drupal 7.x, as my plan is there to upgrade to Drupal 7.x<br></u></strong> <br><strong><u>3. Will quicktabs work with Drupal 7.x<br></u></strong> <br>