.hmmessage P
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> How can I refer to the shopping cart using document.getElementById if it<br>> does not have an id?<br><br>You can't.<br><br>This is where jQuery is your friend:<br><br>$(".pane-uc-cart-0").val()<br><br>...will get the value of the FIRST element with the pane-uc-cart-0 class.<br><br>jQuery ships with Drupal, and is automatically added whenever there is JavaScript, so you don't need to add the jQuery library using drupal_add_js().<br><br>FYI, class names in Drupal are usually added left-to-right, from least-specific to most-specific. So, the last class is the one that is the most specific to that particular element.<br><br>-Karl.                                            </body>