If you are at DrupalCon and want to get some free drinks and food tonight (Tues 6-8pm), courtesy of Forum One, go on over to <a href="http://nicenodes.eventbrite.com">http://nicenodes.eventbrite.com</a> and register.<div><br>
</div><div>BE SURE TO SELECT "I am a Guest of: ADAM GREGORY"</div><div><br></div><div>Come enjoy the drinks and food. Then head over to the official Acquia Party at 8pm.</div><div><br clear="all">-----<br>Adam A. Gregory<br>
Email: <a href="mailto:ArcaneAdam@gmail.com" target="_blank">ArcaneAdam@gmail.com</a><br><div>Web: AdamAGregory.com<br>Phone: 661.347.6597</div><br>