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<p style="margin-bottom: 0.2in">I have a few line item scripts that
all happen on the checkout page. The one that is giving trouble is
coupon line item.</p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in">The line item is being saved to
the database, as it should be with hook-order. </p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in">All line items display, as they
should on the confirm page, and charge properly, but the tax
is incorrect. </p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in">In
admin/store/settings/taxes/1/edit I have a tax set up with a
couple of rules. </p>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in">These should have no bearing:
one being the state for the tax and another being a user
role (wholesalers are not taxed) . </p>
<p>Tax is applied to the Coupon line item on this
configuration page, as well as to the products. These are
the only applications of the tax.<br>
<p>Whether I store a negative value or positive, it doesn't
affect the tax that is calculated. It is always calculated on the
subtotal, which is the total of the products. This includes
visiting the confirmation page and going "back".<br>
Tax should be
calculated on the subtotal minus the coupon amount.<br>
My only clue
is that Ubercart Taxes might expect line items before the checkout
page??? (All my line items are written on submit of the checkout
page, before the confirm page.<br>
Should I write my line items on the
checkout page with AJAX? That doesn't even make sense in the
light of how hook_order is written.<br>
Sure appreciate any help if there
is anyone who has a clue. This is a production site and I wouldn't
blame my client for getting antsy.</p>
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<td scope="col"><em>Kindest regards,</em></td>
<th scope="col"><em><strong>Dayton Perkins</strong></em></th>
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