[drupal-docs] Clever block hacks?

Steven Peck speck at blkmtn.org
Sat Jan 15 08:01:16 UTC 2005

> -----Original Message-----
> There *is* a Custom Blocks Repository:
> http://drupal.org/node/6661
> The problem being is that anything on Drupal.org is assumed to work,
> so keeping those "hacks" up to date is necessary.
> We also have a few "block hacks" on our wiki (since I didn't have
> contributor status before on Drupal):
> http://dev.bryght.com/t/wiki/BlockHacks
> So, feel free to create new book pages under the Custom 
> Blocks Repository.
> --
> Boris Mann

How sad that I completely missed that.  I must refine my searches.
Perhaps adding a Drupal version with the text of a given block will
prevent misunderstanding in later version or at least a starting point
for later updates.  I will add the code that javanaut did (crediting him
of course) after I run a quick test on it.


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