[documentation] About/Getting started/Getting involved handbooks

Addison Berry drupal at rocktreesky.com
Sun Aug 10 11:39:46 UTC 2008

OK, so here is the last major discussion point that came out of the  
August 8 IRC meeting. Sorry for spamming the docs list. ;-)

As mentioned in the Summary email we raised the subject of what do  
about the new Getting Involved book in relation to the existing About  
and Getting Started books. The two options we were discussing were:

1. Create the new book in addition to About. Rework the About book.
2. Have the new book replace the About book. Move non-contributing  
kinds of things to Getting started.

The idea/argument behind #1 is that we would retain an About book and  
that the contents of it would be shifted to focusing on information  
for "evaluator" types. This would have things like an overview of what  
this Drupal thing is and "marketing" stuff for lack of a better term -  
things like the Case studies/showcase site listing and "press" kinda  
stuff, if it exists. This wouldn't be a big book.

Option #2 is to just not have an About book anymore. We would "take it  
over" for the new Getting Involved book and move anything that isn't  
for Getting Involved into the Getting Started book instead.

My feeling is, and general IRC discussion leaned towards, option #1.  
The reasoning for that is that I feel like the Getting Started book  
should be mostly focused on actually doing stuff to get started and  
not have lots of extra information to sift through. I'd prefer that  
stuff about Drupal be in an "About" book and stuff about actually  
using Drupal be in the "Getting Started" book.

We need to make a decision on this relatively soon, as we hope to  
launch the new Getting Involved book in the next few weeks. So, PLEASE  

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