[documentation] Issue Queue vs. Listserve, Roles for Each

Shai Gluskin shai at content2zero.com
Sun Jun 1 14:28:52 UTC 2008

@meitar has raised an important question, how does one know whether to post
something to this docs list serve or to the issue queue? He's also raising
the issue of lack of visibility regarding the list serve, which is relevant
to the propsed new block for doc pages and being discussed

This is how I would break down the "When Listserve? When Issue Queue?"

*Doc listserve*: *discuss* docs strategy, approach, overall problems,
announcements for IRC Docs meetings or other Doc meetings like a docs

*Issue queue*
*for non-documentation team members:
 --file as "bug" something that is a mistake in the docs section of the d.o.
handbook. (If the person is on the docs team, that person should just fix
it; no need to post in the queue.)
  --Submit request to join the documentation team.

*for anyone:
  --make any formal request to change the way the Drupal project deals with
documentation (sometimes these are actually filed in the webmasters queue or
the infrastructure queue)
  --submit support request when desiring help in writing a document.
  --submit feature request for needed doc that doesn't exist -- but person
submitting can't or doesn't want to write it. (If person was able to and
wanted to, person could just add it without filing an issue).

There is overlap and some duplication in that the responses to a formal
proposal made in the queue will certainly contain opinions about the overall
approach and strategy of docs, which may previously have come up on the list
serve. But when they came up on the list serve, it was part of brainstorming
or general discussion, not in the context of a formal proposal, and so it's
okay that they are repeated on the issue queue.

Another way to think of all this is that the list serve is for vetting and
the queue is for action.

Do other people agree with this -- have better ways of describing this?

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