[documentation] Deleting/archiving/moving old book pages?

Mr. Meitar Moscovitz meitarm at gmail.com
Mon Jun 2 12:15:53 UTC 2008

Hi all (again),

I'm simply running through a short list of handbook pages that need  
some copyediting tonight and came across a relatively new one:


This page was created as a subpage of this one:


which also needed a bit of work. I decided it'd be better to just  
incorporate the two together since they are both about  
Apache .htaccess files and cache control, and I'm betting the author  
of the subpage simply created the subpage since they didn't have  
rights to edit the main page.

Now that the two pages are integrated into one, how can I  
"unpublish" (or delete/archive/move to somewhere else) the old subpage  
that no longer contains any unique information? I tried looking for a  
solution myself, but neither the Drupal.org search feature nor Google  
turned up anything useful. I did find this:


which seems to be the same question as mine asked on December 4th,  
2007, but there's no clear answer. I'm surmising from the node itself  
that I need to create a "bug report" issue for the "Drupal.org  
webmasters" project, in the "Content moderation" component and ask for  
an old page to be removed that way.

I figured that before I go adding more work for someone else to sort  
through (i.e., clutter for the webmasters to look at), I'd ask you  
guys first. :) Am I on the right track with these assumptions?

-Meitar Moscovitz
Drupal: http://drupal.org/user/265715
Personal: http://maymay.net
Professional: http://MeitarMoscovitz.com

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