[documentation] commentary

christopher calicott purrin at binary.net
Mon Sep 8 23:53:30 UTC 2008

On Sep 8, 2008, at 4:17 PM, Steven Peck wrote:
> So, often there is an idea.  I don't see they benefit in the provided
> explanation and say so, clearly and generally ask a follow up on how
> an issue I see would be addressed.  All to often it ends in silence so
> I assume that the original requester could not answer my concerns so I
> move on.

I think this is exactly what needs improvement, since you've mentioned  
it.  I saw multiple people in that session being met with that sort of  
reply, and while I'm sure the intention to clarify their ideas and  
distill the idea/suggestion into writing down is there, it "reads" to  
people like this:  "I guess maybe they don't think it's a good idea,  
basically.."   Or "I guess I'm going to have to justify my idea to  
this guy before it can proceed..   oh well, I guess."

People don't know always know what you're getting at, Steven, to be  
frank.   I'm still not 100% clear of what it is that you, personally,  
would like for people to produce to satisfy your goals for Drupal  
documentation, but I think we need to foster a spirit of "hey the more  
great ideas the better" and help these new people find the right path  
to include that information in the docs.   I just really hate to see  
people's spirit quashed right off the bat, and the reality is, I saw it.

Drupal is at a huge point of increasing momentum.  More and more world  
class designers are taking an interest in the platform - more people  
that have worked on very, very large, high profile projects with other  
cms's as well - people that like to get right down to work.   The  
community can only benefit by the influx of new people and the way  
that they can most directly add to the community in the shortest  
amount of time is through the documentation team.

All I am advocating is that we try to put a little better face on the  
way people interface most immediately with the Drupal community - that  
falls to us.

> Then later, I see people complaining about 'they were shut down' so
> it's all my fault they don't contribute.  This is more then slightly
> irritating.
> I am also DEEPLY offended that people would accuse me of being the
> type of person to engage in reprisals.  Offended.  I have NEVER done
> so or acted in such a manner in my entire time in this community.
> Everything I have done, has been open discussion in the forums or in a
> mailing list.  I have NEVER 'retaliated' against anyone on drupal.org
> despite some direct attacks on me personally.
> Steven Peck
> Current Documentation Lead.

Uhm, I had no intentions of causing a reaction like this.  I hope my  
points can at least be heard in the spirit that they were intended,  
which was meant to be a helpful, well-intentioned one.    We don't  
need to build walls for people to climb when they have a  
suggestion...  An extended helpful hand would go so very, very far.    
I guess this reaction kind of illustrates my point, though.   It feels  
very awkward when you are relatively new and you see an area you truly  
needs to be addressed and you totally inadvertently rub people wrong  
because you're trying to improve "their thing."   That, honestly, can  
inhibit more fresh ideas from flowing into the community, and I am -  
along with so many other people around the world - financially  
invested in Drupal being the biggest, long-term success that it can  
be.   My business depends on that, as does most people's, I'm  

-=- christopher

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