[documentation] Schedule October IRC meeting

Addison Berry drupal at rocktreesky.com
Mon Sep 29 14:57:54 UTC 2008

Hello all,

Now that the Getting Involved book is started up, I wanted to set up a  
time for the next IRC meeting. Let' s shoot for something next week  
with the top agenda items being:

1. Wrap up discussion on Getting Involved. I hope we get a fair bit of  
cleanup done during this week but we should touch on important  
remaining items, if there are any.
2. Talk about opening the editing rights up. Two helper issues we  
wanted are now done and so we need to just get our ducks in a row  
before we flip the switch. We can talk about what ducks need ordering,  
what the change entails for the team and set a firm date.

Here is ye old doodle to pick a time: http://www.doodle.ch/2rgcqb6tmmik2yck

- Addi (add1sun)

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