[documentation] documentation Digest, Vol 57, Issue 10

adept digital evolution techlists at ade.pt
Fri Aug 21 16:54:03 UTC 2009

On 08-21-2009 12:01 PM, Julia Kulla-Mader wrote:
> kazah, 
> In terms of documentation needs, I wonder if it would be useful to 
> also have a documentation page on how to talk to your hosting company 
> about installing PDO.

YES. and i'm glad you came out of lurk mode. We need instructions for 
people like me who have smoke coming out of their ears as soon as you 
say "check phpinfo()". Unless Drupal was never intended to be for folks 
like me (if I'm wrong on that, guys, just say so!)

> If there isn't one already, there could also be a page on talking to 
> hosting companies about why you need PHP 5. Although, I sure hope that 
> there aren't too many people still stuck with PHP 4 hosting providers. 

I would think only pretty longstanding accounts would still have php4. I 
don't think we need to explain why php5, just to say it is a minimum 
requirement. I've not seen a single hosting provider out there that 
doesn't offer PHP5. Some also allow PHP4 as an option but PHP5 seems the 
default. And I say that after having researched dozens of hosting 
providers about a year ago.

thanks, Julia,


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