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<TITLE>Re: [infrastructure] loads of new themes: lots of thoughts :)</TITLE>
<DIV id=idOWAReplyText45049 dir=ltr>
<DIV dir=ltr><FONT face=Arial color=#000000 size=2>That is btw a really nice
theme. What do you need edited?</FONT></DIV></DIV>
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<FONT face=Tahoma size=2><B>From:</B> infrastructure-bounces@drupal.org on
behalf of Ken Collins<BR><B>Sent:</B> Thu 2/2/2006 6:07 PM<BR><B>To:</B> A list
for Drupal infrastructure maintainers (eg. drupal.org, CVS,mailing
lists)<BR><B>Cc:</B> A list for documentation writers;
themes@drupal.org<BR><B>Subject:</B> Re: [infrastructure] loads of new themes:
lots of thoughts :)<BR></FONT><BR></DIV>
<P><FONT size=2>Ber,<BR><BR>I'd like to help any if I could. I've been using
Drupal for almost a <BR>year now and I'm just getting my feet wet in the
"giving back" and <BR>"pitching in" aspect. Earlier this week I just did my
CVS upload for <BR>my theme contribution <A
href="http://drupal.org/node/43376">http://drupal.org/node/43376</A> and once I
get it <BR>tagged for 4.7. I'd like to see it go into some more visable
areas.<BR><BR>Right now I'm having a problem where I cannot edit my project
page <BR>because I do not have full HTML privileges. Would I need this to
help <BR>with any of the items your asking about?<BR><BR> -
Ken<BR><BR><BR>On Feb 2, 2006, at 6:17 PM, Bèr Kessels wrote:<BR><BR>>
Hello.<BR>><BR>> I added a bunch of new themes, and it is looking very
well :) Thank <BR>> you for<BR>> the nice new
additions.<BR>><BR>> However, the site is growing, and needs work. Here is
my plan:<BR>> Write twelve (just below the pager) nodes. I am not a fan
of <BR>> lipsum, so IMO it<BR>> should just be an intro into Drupal,
theming and other information <BR>> like that.<BR>> I also want one
page explaining that Garen theme is NOT available. <BR>> Steven
and<BR>> I have been getting quite a lot of personal mails about
that <BR>> lately. If<BR>> possible we should add one or two small
images to one or two nodes.<BR>> Any takers?<BR>><BR>> I want to show
one node/add screen. For that I would like to <BR>> develop a
module<BR>> that adds no content. Maybe someone has a nicer
idea?<BR>><BR>> I want to show comments + comment form. The comments could
be put <BR>> online, but<BR>> could be queued (and
deteleted)<BR>><BR>> I also like to discuss auto-installation of themes. I
do not have <BR>> time to read<BR>> thoroughly trough all the themes.
I did check the new ones this <BR>> time, but<BR>> when that is
growing this will no longer be possible.<BR>> We could add a crontab that
pulls in new 4.6 tagged themes every <BR>> night, but Ie<BR>> am
afraid that one CVS committer can abuse that to commit+tag a <BR>>
hacked up<BR>> theme and then take over the site the same
night.<BR>><BR>> Ideas are more then welcome. The site is getting busy
lately :)<BR>><BR>> Bèr<BR>> --<BR>> | Bèr Kessels | webschuur.com |
website development |<BR>> | Jabber & Google Talk:
ber@jabber.webschuur.com<BR>> | <A
href="http://bler.webschuur.com">http://bler.webschuur.com</A> | <A
href="http://www.webschuur.com">http://www.webschuur.com</A> |<BR>>
--<BR>> [ infrastructure | <A
]<BR><BR>--<BR>[ infrastructure | <A